The Show-Me State: Showing How Consumer Legal Funding is Helping Missourians Everyday

As the deep-pocked and powerful opponents of consumer legal funding “forum shop” from state-to-state attempting to silence the right of citizens to seek a fair and just settlement when they are injured, residents of Missouri have every reason to be on high alert.

It’s time for residents and policy-makers in “The Show-Me State” to demand those opponents actually show them a problem that needs fixing. In state after state, the U.S. Chamber rolls into state capitals from Washington, D.C. trying to sell a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. Missouri is just the latest example where such tactics may soon be on display.

Every day, hard-working citizens across the United States, and in Missouri, are relying on consumer legal funding to save their homes and put food on the table while they wait for their legal claim to be heard in a full and fair manner.  Not only is there not a problem that needs fixing, there are Missouri citizens who are thankful consumer legal funding is an option for meeting their needs.

Here’s what Latonia, a Missourian, had to say about her experience with consumer legal funding when she had nowhere else to turn for financial assistance, “You helped me from being evicted [from] my home. Thanks a lot!”

Or Kevin, also a Missouri resident, who needed a financial lifeline while he awaited resolution of his claim, said that consumer legal funding “helped me pay [my] rent to keep [me] from losing my place.  I’ve been off work due to my injury, and needed cash to pay [my] bills and get food.”

Unfortunately, big insurance companies continue to prey on citizens like Latonia and Kevin in their time of need, hoping to maximize financial leverage on the less fortunate in hopes of settling legal claims before they have gone through the full and proper process.    

For Latonia, Kevin and all Missourians who rely on consumer legal funding, they are counting on state policy-makers to “show” those big insurance companies that’s not how you treat people in Missouri.


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