U.S. Chamber on pace to spend over $100 Million dollars on Lobbying Efforts in 2014

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce spent over $25 million dollars on lobbying efforts in the first quarter of 2014 and is on pace to spend well over $100 million dollars in total by the end of the year.  Of the $25 million dollars spent this quarter, the Institute for Legal Reform spent $6.2 million dollars.

The Institute for Legal Reform, a lobbying arm of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has listed the consumer legal funding industry as its number one target for the 2014 state legislative season.  With its main objective of passing legislation containing crippling price control measures as well as other anti-business regulations onto the Consumer Legal Funding industry in states all across the country.

These large sums of money being spent by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce wasn’t more evident than their fight against the consumer legal funding industry in Tennessee a couple weeks ago.  There, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce flooded Nashville with several dozen Washington D.C. lobbyist, hijacked the legislative process and ultimately pushed their corrosive anti-consumer legal funding bill into final passage.  Sealing the fate of the consumer legal funding industry, which will begin exiting Tennessee starting in July of this year.

Now more then ever it is time to stand up to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the handful of mega corporations they represent to preserve the vital services of the consumer legal funding industry.

For the story published in The Hill about the U.S. Chambers outrageous spending, click here: http://bit.ly/1tt9pio.


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